Interested in getting your business recognized within one of Düsseldorf’s largest expat communities? Whether German or English-speaking, there are many ways we can work together both online and offline. Let’s chat


YOUR Local Business

With a population of 600 thousand+ people in Düsseldorf, more than 110 thousand people are foreign to Germany. This number is only growing from here.

Imagine how difficult it is moving to a new country, learning a new language and settling in. This is where local businesses can help grow their markets. By partnering with Life in Düsseldorf and welcoming English speaking community members to your place, you can open your doors to thousands more locals living in Düsseldorf!


Think about it like this…

We’re a part of the English-speaking community in Düsseldorf. We’re attending all events, meet-ups and business conferences across the city, we’re mixing and mingling online and offline and our social media interaction is by the hour! Now we can connect you.


work with us


How can we work together?


Screen Shot 2016-05-18 at 9.13.13 PME-mail Newsletters

We offer our community members the hottest deals in the city as Life in Düsseldorf subscribers. Work with us in offering our international community something exciting. Here are some examples:

  • Tax advisors, Schmaltz & Partner offered a complimentary 30-minute tax introduction for Life in Düsseldorf readers
  • Language School, Limba-Sprachen offered 1 x 2-hour free language trial class for Life in Düsseldorf readers

Content Creation Screen Shot 2016-05-18 at 9.13.28 PM

We are always looking for more quality content on Life in Düsseldorf. If you have something you’d like to share with the community, let us know! Here are some examples:

Screen Shot 2016-05-18 at 9.11.21 PMMarketing Packages

Looking for something really unique? We offer different marketing packages which include featured posts, social media marketing, YouTube features, and more!

Simply click here to take a look at the extensive packages we offer or send us an e-mail if you’re interested in receiving more information about this opportunity!


Video Content Creation Screen Shot 2016-05-18 at 9.11.42 PM

Amaze your customers with a short 60-90 second interactive video showcasing your business, your products, and all that you have to offer! We film all our videos using the iPhone 14, Meta RayBans, DJI Osmo Pocket and Rode smartLav+ mic. 

Check out some of the video collaborations we’ve work on so far!


Curious to know what others thought about working with Life in Düsseldorf, take a look!

“Local and authentic product placement is very important to reach the right target audience. Jenna was not only super easy to communicate with, but you could really see the passion and excitement within her video and photos. We’re glad that not only Jenna, but her entire community really enjoyed this experience and we would not hesitate to do another local partnership.”
Lars – Co-Founder & CTO, Wingly

“I just saw your Instagram stories about Loqly and all I can say is THANK YOU! I was having a sensory overload this morning due to all the new followers and messages I received thanks to your exposure. We have never worked with an influencer/blog that put so much effort into a post without losing authenticity.”
Felix Schmeißer – Founder of Loqly

“Working with Jenna while building my start-up was not only so much fun, but extremely effective. Jenna’s uncomplicated ways make her all the more a very important partner in marketing a one-woman business like mine. Her honest and charming way of writing about my cooking seminars and gourmet walks has generated my business an impressive exposure in the local Düsseldorf scene of english speakers.” – Maite Dittke, Founder, Maite’s Asian Cuisine

We work with German and English clients!

“Besonders für Menschen, die neu in der Stadt sind und sich in ihrer gewohnten Sprache ein Bild von der neuen Heimat machen wollen bietet Jennas Blog eine fantastische Möglichkeit der Information und Inspiration. Jenna arbeitet stets hochprofessionell in Wort und Bild, zuverlässig und zur einhundertprozentigen Zufriedenheit ihrer Kunden, ohne dabei Informationsgehalt und Relevanz für ihre Leserinnen und Leser aus den Augen zu verlieren. Absolut empfehlenswert und für Unternehmen mit lokalem Bezug zu Düsseldorf ein Muss.” – Christoph, Founder, No Sugar Land

And we are proud to share what our clients think about us!

“Wir sind so glücklich, dass wir Jenna für unser Social Media Marketing gefunden haben! Sie hat alle unsere Erwartungen übertroffen.  Sie hat einen fantastischen Artikel über uns geschrieben, ein sehr professionelles Video gedreht und viele tolle Facebook Posts geschrieben. Jenna ist sehr engagiert und es ist eine echte Freude mit Ihre zusammen zu arbeiten und Sie kennen zu lernen. Wir sind begeistert und empfehlen Sie zu 100%. Man merkt, dass Sie Ihre Arbeit liebt!” – Carola Tybel, Country Director, Labooyo


The Germany Experience
The Expat
startup dorf
NRW Tourism

Interested in working together? Let’s talk! 

Looking for something more? We look forward to hearing from you! give us a shout at [email protected]