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Shit happens. Bicycles in the city often disappear, no matter how old and scrap they may look.

Perhaps it’s happened to you, or you’re hoping to prevent it from happening. There’s some pre- and post-procedures you’ll need to check off the list in order to find your bike or be compensated for a new one.

We have Elisa Stella, Founder of Düsseldorf Expat Assistant, back and sharing some more detailed information on how the steps you’ll need to take when your bike is stolen.


Before your bike is stolen, you must: 

Write down the frame number of your bike.

The frame number univocally identifies your bike and it is engraved on the saddle tube, or on the rear axle, or on some metal part close to the handlebar. 


Get household insurance (Hausratversicherung)

In order to have your bike reimbursed you will need household insurance (bicycles are considered part of your household goods) or the very specific and best option is bike insurance. It’s usually only a couple of Euros per month, so you shouldn’t need to question buying it. 

Do you have insurance yet? It’s important to make sure you have some sort of bike insurance, so if you’re bike gets stollen (which they so often do) you can make a claim with your insurance provider. Feather and Getsafe Insurance are two big favourites.


If possible, keep the receipt

If you received a receipt when purchasing your bike, keep it! (in order to prove the date of purchase and its original value) Also – some providers make you use a bike lock of a certain value (above 50€ or a certain brand – like ABUS).


When your bike is stolen, you must… 

Claim the theft to your insurance immediately.

Most insurances have an online form called “Schadenmeldung” to report the damage/loss and you will require the following documents: 

    1. Bescheinigung über die Erstattung einer Anzeige” from the police station (or online)
    2. The loss certification you get at the lost-and-found office
    3. A description of your bike and its lock (even better if you have pictures and a purchase receipt)
    4. Frame number (if you know it)


Go to the nearest police station and give notice (OR ONLINE)

You will need to provide as many details as possible related to your (ex) bike (brand, color, type of lock, place and time of the theft, and the frame number). Obtain a “Bescheinigung über die Erstattung einer Anzeige“ form from the police to prove you’ve actually been to the station.


Look online on the lost-and-found website

There is a lost and found website run by the Stadt Düsseldorf.

If your bike is by chance at the so-called “Fundbüro (It is actually quite rare to find a stolen bike at Fundbüro. Nevertheless, this is a required step to get the reimbursement from your insurance) the Fundbüro can provide you in short with a loss certification for 5 Euro if you know the frame number of your bike. If you don’t, then you have to wait five weeks to prove that there’s no trace left of your bike and no hope to find it anymore.

Unfortunately, the Fundbüro of the Stadt Düsseldorf does not accept bank transfer payments, you will have to go there in person, pay the 5 Euro in cash, and get the certification issued.


Send all necessary papers to your insurance and wait for a response.

They usually reimburse a proportion of the original price, depending on how old it was.

Alternatively, if the effort of dealing with all the paperwork is not worth the worry, you always have the option to simply look for a new bike. 

If you’re looking for a great place to find a second-hand bike, check the Life in Düsseldorf list of the best places to find used bikes in Dusseldorf.

And let’s hope that this doesn’t happen to you, so you can still continue to enjoy the amazing bike paths that Düsseldorf has to offer!

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