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It’s still quite surreal to me too, but the news around Düsseldorf is true! Flink has arrived – a brand new grocery delivery app that has revolutionized the way we grocery shop here in Europe. Flink not only stays true to their promise of delivering your groceries in 10 minutes, but they’ve actually made ordering groceries via app quite stress-free, and dare I even say… quite enjoyable!
The app is available for download for all Apple and Android devices, and their delivery services are already available in Berlin, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Munich, Cologne, Nürnberg, Wiesbaden, Frankfurt, and Krefeld (and will only continue to grow in the future months).
But what’s special for Düsseldorf (Altstadt, Bilk, Friedrichstadt, Pempelfort, Derendorf, Düsseltal, Carlstadt, Unterbilk, Stadtmitte, Mörsenbroich und Teilen von Golzheim, Oberbilk und Grafenberg), is their amazing selection of local products from the Terbuyken bakery (one of my family’s favorites).
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Flink offers high-quality everyday products at supermarket prices
My first thought when I heard about this new online grocery delivery concept was… “well, sounds great… but I’m not going to pay a premium on my groceries.”
But Flink actually offers high-quality everyday products not only super-fast but at supermarket prices.
As you would, shopping through the isles of the grocery store, Flink allows you to shop via category: fruits and vegetables, dairy, bakery, meats and cheeses, health and beauty, cleaning supplies, and more. They also offer unique categories to inspire you, like “breakfast in bed”, “Netflix & Chill”, and “Stay Safe” (where they sell COVID quick tests, medical-grade masks, and other sanitary products).
Ordering groceries via the app with 4 simple clicks
So, how does the process actually work? Great news! You’re able to follow along as Flink receives your order, packs your order, and as the courier is on their way, all while the clock is ticking.
Flink’s purpose is to cut the process of grocery shopping short so it’s more resource-efficient and you can spend more time doing the things you love, like spending time with family doing something fun in Düsseldorf or simply kicking back and watching a movie at the end of a hard workday. For more than 100 years, we’ve been so accustomed to driving to the supermarket, walking the aisles, finding the products we need, lining up, pulling out our wallets, making a payment, packing everything into bags, and unpacking it when we arrived back home.
And now, fast forward to the 21st century… all we need to do click a button and collect the bags at our doorstep.
Flink grabs our fast-paced lives by the horns and gives us the time we need to enjoy it
Your initial thoughts may have been similar to mine… I don’t love grocery shopping, but I’ve never been extremely bothered by it either. I couldn’t really see myself using a futuristic app for something that has become a comfortable routine in my life – grocery shopping.
But once I started, I never looked back.
If grocery shopping has become a routine for you, that’s great! For many, it’s nothing but a tedious task that needs to be done at the end of a long workday. However, even for those of you who have made a healthy habit out of grocery shopping… ask yourself these questions…
Let’s play a game of would you rather…
It takes a little bit of a change in mindset to understand and to jump on board the train to futuristic changes in our world, much like Flink is doing with the way we shop for our groceries. So, why not make it fun?
- Would you rather… kick back and watch Netflix at the end of the day or stand in line at the grocery store?
- Would you rather… trek that 12-pack of sparkling water back to your flat or have someone carry it to your doorstep for you?
- Would you rather… drag your toddler to the grocery store on a Saturday or spend a day at the beach?
- Would you rather… run to the nearest kiosk in the middle of the party for some cold beers or click a button and keep the party going?
For many, these questions will be rather rhetorical. However, this was the way I needed to look at it in order to tell myself… Yes, I’m ready for a new change. Even when that change is wonderful, we all struggle with it sometimes. But let me be the one to tell you first hand…
Grocery shopping via app is life-changing

What about the employees? The environment? The reality?
The reality is… even if you’re straying away from joining “the futuristic ways of the world,” using an option like Flink is actually helping our environment and supporting the hiring of new employees – even English speakers!
All of their couriers deliver your groceries by E-bikes and believe it or not, the Flink bicycle couriers are also very fairly paid (if you’re interested in a new profession). Not only are they setting a new pace, but they want to help fundamentally change the way we choose to shop.
✅ No more late evening grocery store traffic on the roads
✅ No more trips via car to the grocery store
✅ No more dragging the kids along for a daunting grocery experience
You’re saving time, spending the same amount of money you typically would, and building new opportunities to do the things you love.
If you weren’t on board with the new movement already, you’ve got to be by now?
Otherwise… With the code “LIFEINDUS” Flink also offers 10 Euros off your first order to help you get started! (Minimum basket size is 15€)
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