Living in Düsseldorf

Living in Düsseldorf is awesome, but it certainly doesn’t always come easy. That’s why we figured a section about the useful tools and tips on how to manage that stressful move might come in handy for you.

You know, like choosing which district in Düsseldorf is right for you and your loved ones, where to volunteer as an English speaker, and whether you should be choosing public or private health insurance.


So, to make it easier, we’ve divided our tips into four different categories for you:

Housing in Dusseldorf

Healthcare in Dusseldorf

Getting Started in Dusseldorf

Getting Around in Dusseldorf


If you’re running short on time or are simply just a little too lazy to scout through our jam-packed sections of transportation, healthcare, apartment suggestions, and tips to get you started… you could always shift your eyes to the sidebar (or scroll down if you’re on your phone) and check out some of the expat favorites.


Of course, regardless of how many content pieces have been written, we’re still not finished yet. That means that if there’s something you’ve come here to learn more about and it’s not up on the site yet, send us an email and make sure that it’s on the list!


Oh an PS. we also send out a pretty kick-ass Monthly Highlights newsletter at the beginning of each month, so if you’re keen on keeping updated on new and exciting things going on around the city, you might want to add your email to the list!


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